What’s the address of Segra Field?
42095 Loudoun United Drive, Leesburg, VA 20175
Located within Philip A. Bolen Park across from the Leesburg Airport
How much is parking?
Parking is free!
Where do I enter?
Traveling North on Sycolin Road
- Turn right at Crosstrail Blvd at the traffic light
- Follow instructions from the parking attendants, who will lead you to the Park and Ride or Main North lot or the Secondary East lot.
Traveling South on Sycolin
- Turn left at Crosstrail Blvd at the traffic light
- Follow instructions from the parking attendants, who will lead you to the Park and Ride or Main North lot or the Secondary East lot.
How will I exit?
All cars will be directed toward either Crosstrail Blvd/Sycolin Road or Claudia Drive(Gourley Transit)/Sycolin Road and will exit north and south on Sycolin Road.